Yesterday everyone stopped to watch history be made...
People in my office heaved, screamed,
cried, and literally fell down in hysterics... I have never seen such an
overwhelming display of emotions before.
While there are MANY policy's of Obama's I defiantly do not agree with, (besides the fact that all of dysfunctional Hollywood supports him, hey, why not, lets follow one more thing they do...) it IS time for change. NOT necessarily a change from Bush, but a mind set change of this country. It is inspiring to be a part of this era in history where we are given a charge that is is OUR responsibility, (and where the brown can stick around). Its about time we own up to our actions, take responsibility for our families, businesses, neighbors... It IS neat to see the country come together for a cause that is bigger than politics. While I might not agree with how Obama believes he is going to achieve this, I do believe in the cause.
Whether or not you voted for Barrack or not, he is our President and he deserves at least that respect. I only wish that the 3 million people in the mall yesterday could have given Bush, at the least, that credit. (The classless display of booing and singing represent NOTHING that they claim to want.) Bush served our country for 8 years... whether we agree with his decisions or not, I believe he did them with pure motives and to the best of his ability. Yesterday, he arrived in Midland and stated that he is "still proud to look in the mirror," and that "you can say all you want to say, but we have NOT been attacked in the past 7 years." Thank you George W. Bus for serving our country and giving us your all.
Here's to the next 4 years, I think it is fair to say, that we all are excited to see what is ahead. (and getting to see Malia & Sasha grow up!)