I find these are rather humorous... I am still not sure what I think of them, but all I can say is that the artist, Jean-Luc Cornec, is one of the most creative artists I have seen yet & use of texture is quite beautiful. Read & see more here.
Adobe Photoshop Cook from Lait Noir on Vimeo.
Let's face it... everything is digital. A huge chunk of my work day consists of Photoshop, which, in turn, makes me sometimes believe I can perform Photoshop tasks & functions in the real world. {don't laugh, I am dead serious.} I sometimes truly live in "Photoshop or Illustrator land" and forget that I cannot quick select, clone stamp, warp, or live trace my daily life. This video {above} perfectly portray what goes on in my little brain, and also adequately proves that life would, in fact, be a cleaner, prettier, more efficient place to live, work and play if we could perform P.S. tasks on a whim. Really. :) Adobe does make the world go 'round.